Did you know that there are over 500 million active users on Facebook, that more than 50% of those people log in to Facebook daily and they spend close to 500 billion minutes per month interacting on Facebook. Twitter now has over 12 million visitors with that number expected to double by next year. And what about YouTube? Huge! How many of you have Face book, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts or have a blog? Learning is social and we are social beings and that is the reason why this type of medium has just skyrocketed. So what’s this all mean to us parents?

We at the Post Institute (http://postinstitute.com) have a global message to spread that “Love” not “Fear” is the answer and to help get that message out, we’re entering the world of social networking. That’s right, our very own Bryan Post is jumping into the social networking universe with both feet. We even made him buy a new cell phone so that he could share his thoughts about love, parenting, adoption, foster care, you name it, from wherever he is on the globe. He’s so addicted to Twitter now that he’s “tweeting” several times a day about all kinds of things relevant to what we parents are struggling with. How cool is that!!!!

We need your help in getting the word out about what we’re doing and in return, we’ll be sharing with all of you some of the best thinking out there from a guy who is considered one of the foremost experts in working with children with challenging behaviors. A lot of what Bryan talks about works with all kinds of children and in all kinds of relationships. You can expect that we’ll be keeping this stuff fresh with a team of people working with Bryan to make sure that happens and we want you to “join” the conversation and share your thoughts and comments with us.

There are a couple of ways to “join” the conversation with us and you can find each of them on our website at http://www.postinstitute.com or you can visit each site we’re posting to by clicking the following links:

Our Face book Pagehttp://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Post-Institute/136308290422

Bryan‘s Twitter Pagehttp://twitter.com/Bryan_Post

The Post Institute Twitter Pagehttp://twitter.com/Post_Institute

Our YouTube Channelhttp://www.youtube.com/user/postinstitute

So make us a friend, tweet with us or follow Bryan’s blog, together we can help change the world. Join the Love Revolution!